[CLUE-Tech] Reliable writing editors?

Jeffery Cann fabian at jefferycann.com
Sun Feb 2 14:09:11 MST 2003


I generally use VIM for most of my work.  However, when I need to write prose 
(often in in text format), I find VIM hard to work with.  I love it for 
coding, but not for writing.

I have tried these programs on Linux:  Kate, Kwrite, Nedit, Mozilla, and Star 
Office.  All have failed me in one way or another, in particular I loose 
valuable thoughts when the program crashes or have such a frustrating time 
with formatting bugs and font displays that it becomes unproductive.  

If I wanted to lose data, I'd switch back to Windoze.  :)  BTW - I write a lot 
with MS Word @ work and it's the same problems.

So, I am pleading to my fellow authors / CLUEbies:  Get me a real (GUI) 
editor!  Which editors do you use for writing?  Why?  What problems do you 
have with them?  How is their presentation within the GUI?  How is stability?  

Maybe I should try LyX and stop worrying about formatting.


    planet earth (tm)

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