[CLUE-Tech] [CLUE TALK] Using Open Source for commercial purposes

Jeffery Cann fabian at jefferycann.com
Thu Jan 2 19:48:56 MST 2003


There are many stories available (google.com) about using open source for 
'commercial purposes'.  It is generally not against most open source licenses 
to use them for a commercial product.  The issue is whether you actually 
modify the code within apache or tomcat or whatever.  If you do, you normally 
have to provide the source code changes available to the public.  If you do 
not change the source code, you are free to use it within a product.

Things get interesting within the library / api realm.  Generally, it's okay 
to use unmodified libraries (e.g., GNU C library) within your commercial 

My advice is to gather the licenses for the open source software you wish to 
use and then talk to a competent attorney -- one who can read these licenses, 
digest them and comment on them.  I would also suggest that you contact Mr. 
Rosen writes the IAAL in Linux Journal.  These column discusses open source 
legal issues.  According to his bio:

"He is also executive director and general counsel for Open Source Initiative, 
which manages and promotes the Open Source Definition (www.opensource.org)."


On Wednesday 01 January 2003 06:08 pm, rknech at pcisys.net wrote:
> Currently the company I work for uses Apache for our webserver and my group
> is trying to put together a business case for implimenting an Open Source
> solution corporate wide. Go to using Tomcat etc..  One big thing I am
> trying to find out is  there an issue with using Open Source software for
> comercial purposes.  Say using Apache, Tomcat etc.. for a comercial
> website.  Does anyone know any good url's that have information on this or
> can anyone directly point me to a good url that can answer this question. 
> We already use Apache, xerces, castor, we have one "test website" up and
> running on Tomcat, this site was originally a Webshere/Visual Age for Java
> website.  Now running in Tomcat.  We use ATG's Dynamo for the main website,
> and my group would like to move to tomcat and using JSP.
> Any help would be apprieciated.
> Thanks,
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