[CLUE-Tech] please rescue me from poor planning

Keith Hellman kehellman at yahoo.com
Fri Jan 10 15:47:13 MST 2003

On Fri, Jan 10, 2003 at 01:13:46PM -0700, Friedman, Jason wrote:
> I _know_ for example, that I'll continue to Gnome and never use KDE
> (nothing against KDE, I just wanted to choose one and move on).  I'd
> like to remove all, or most of, the KDE packages.  How can I identify
> them for my "rpm -e" command?  Are there any other largish package
> groups that I likely will never use?
I believe the command to identify a which rpm a file belongs to is
$rpm -qf FILE

One way to know which files (packages) you don't need is to periodically
(once a week? month?) run a find comand on /usr looking for files with
large ACCESS times (find -atime).  You can run rpm -qf FILE on these
(using xargs I suspect), then sort |uniq and you will have a list of
packages you really aren't using.

Now, resolving the ugly dependencies is a different problem, but I
believe the above will help identify what you may not need on your

Keith Hellman                             #include <disclaimer.h>
kehellman at yahoo.com               from disclaimer import standard

It's a small world. So you gotta use your elbows a lot.

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