[CLUE-Tech] Old Bloody Hardware...

Keith Hellman kehellman at yahoo.com
Tue Jan 14 14:56:21 MST 2003

On Tue, Jan 14, 2003 at 12:17:20AM -0700, Keith Hellman wrote:
> So... anyone got an old ISA network card I could possibly by off of
> them?  Must work with Linux, bonus if I can pick it up at the DTC
> meeting tommorro.
Thanks too all who have offered, I'll take Dave Price up on his NE2000
offer (I hope its still out there yes?), particularly since it sounds
like he has a whole box of them.  I'm not too concerned about the cfg
setup.  I have the diskette for the current ISA/MoBO card (3c509) so I
can jack that one around if I need to.

Thanks again!
Keith Hellman                             #include <disclaimer.h>
kehellman at yahoo.com               from disclaimer import standard

"Before you critize someone, run a mile in their shoes. When you do
critize them, you'll be a mile away and you'll have their shoes."


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