[CLUE-Tech] Starband dead, dead, dead...

Nate Duehr nate at natetech.com
Wed Dec 8 11:33:56 MST 2004

Christopher J Pomasl wrote:

> Starband on IA-7 is back up.
> Some tense handwringing at Starband for sure but Intelsat recovered 
> the bird on Friday enough to service those who can't repoint easily.  
> They are still investigating the cause and the repurcussions.
I see the report I was reading had the satellite ID wrong.  
Interesting.  IA-8 is Scheduled for mid-December launch, I believe. 

> Starband had to move customers to different transponders but I think 
> most everyone on IA-7 is back up.

That's good news for a lot of people.

Fun Google fodder... lots of wishy-washy press releases... probably a 
lot of nervous exec's too.  IntelSat's in the process of being purchased.


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