Font choices & prices (was Re: [clue-tech] gimp fonts for [printed] graphics)

Angelo Bertolli angelo at
Thu Dec 23 15:28:43 MST 2004

That's because sans-serif is easier to read.  Maybe you're going to 
remember something better if you had to struggle more to read it, but I 
doubt it.  I don't know about printing, but the rule is sans-serif is 
easier to read for modern-day people, and therefore you read it faster.

>Maybe.  I would tend to disagree with that anyhow,  as I have a serif font for 
>most of my display functions in both machines,  in text consoles and in X.
>I had a friend (now gone,  unfortunately) who at one time was responsible for 
>doing something with contracts for some state agency,  Fish Commission I 
>think it was.  Told me one time that if you have paragraphs with different 
>fonts,  the eye tends to slide over sans-serif stuff faster and retain less 
>of what it saw than if serif fonts were used.  And he used this to his 

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