[CLUE-Tech] Mozilla Firefox 0.8 available

Dave Hahn dhahn at techangle.com
Mon Feb 9 17:16:56 MST 2004

Just downloaded and installed.  Most notably - firefox is faster then 
firebird.  Very impressive.

Oh, and try the Oregon mirror.


Gary Threlkeld wrote:

>Apparently, the Mozilla folks listened to the brewhaha that
>Firebird database users made when Mozilla named their web
>browser Firebird as well.
>Now the Mozilla browser-only version has been renamed to
>FireFox and version 0.8 is available as of today.  Don't
>know the differences between 0.7 and 0.8 but I've been using
>the 0.7 under both Windoze and Linux and I like what I see.
>Looking forward to using the new FIREFOX when I can get to
>Mozilla to download.  Don't think its been propagated to the
>mirror as yet.
>Gary Threlkeld
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