[CLUE-Tech] Re: Cracking websites

Jed S. Baer thag at frii.com
Sun Feb 22 17:35:07 MST 2004

On 22 Feb 2004 14:22:11 -0700
jim feldman <jmf at jim-liesl.org> wrote:

> It's not like the Apache folks haven't thought about this either.  Check
> out the suEXEC wrapper and the User directive for <VirtualHost>.

The Apache dox say the the User directive is no longer supported under

> "chrooted" apache is doable but very ugly from a maintenance
> perspective.  You could look at User-mode-linux, but thats overkill for
> what you need.  Check out the following link:
> http://www.onlamp.com/pub/a/bsd/2003/09/04/jails.html
> FreeBSD just did a better job addressing this need.  The only downside
> is that each "jail" needs it's own unique ipaddr.

I'm not trying to configure a webserver here. I'm trying to make sure I
understand the risks associated with using company X's shared hosting
services -- i.e. _not_ a virtual server, and what to look for/ask when
evaluating such a service.

Re. what's possible using name-based virtual domain name directives, it
appears from my admittedly brief reading so far, that those come into play
for requests coming in with a "mydomain.tld" HOST header. But let's not
repeat my reply to Angelo.


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