[CLUE-Tech] Tape Drives - why?

David Anselmi anselmi at anselmi.us
Sat Jul 31 19:45:03 MDT 2004

Richard Mancusi wrote:
> Individual files, often.  Some servers are for development.  These folks
> always seem to forget to make a copy BEFORE altering the code.  Then
> they move on to another project in mid-stream and eventually want
> source from 10 days ago.

If you have people doing development without a version control system 
that they can manage themselves, they're amatures.  I want to say that I 
can envision cases where version control isn't important (like doing 
standard workstation builds that evolve over time) but I can't.  Even if 
all you version is a description of the build and a checksum or 
something, version control still seems useful.

I'm open to other ideas but if your developers haven't considered 
version control and rejected it for sound technical reasons, get them to 
use it.


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