William bkimball1 at yahoo.com
Fri Jun 4 09:18:28 MDT 2004

The choice of whether to try IMAP again is up to you.  Just be careful to seperate the idea of
IMAP being tied to Mozilla.  There are other IMAP clients you should test with in addition, to be
sure that problems you encounter are server-level or client-level.

You didn't mention which IMAP daemon you're trying, so it's difficult to help.  You also didn't
mention whehter you're running your own mail server, or you're attempting to use IMAP against
someone else's (like your ISP's).

If this is your own mail server:  At this point, I can only recommend you spend more time in the
documenation for the IMAP daemon, and contrast what is there with your SMTP daemon documentation. 
Perhaps you just missed one or two things in the past that caused the problems you encountered?

Otherwise:  Consult your mail provider for assistance with problems you encounter.  It's their
system, and only they can resolve problems with it.

--- Angelo Bertolli <angelo at freeshell.org> wrote:
> I have been wondering if I should try IMAP again.  Last time I tried it,
> it gave me weird errors (on Mozilla) like "that folder doesn't exist on
> the server" or something.  Plus, it started duplicating emails for some
> reason.  So I went back to POP.  What do most people use for themselves,
> and how could I use IMAP effectively without getting these weird happenings?
> Also, Mozilla has an option for secure authentication, but every time I
> try it on either protocol, it says the server doesn't support it.  It
> seems like not many servers allow for secure email authentication.  Why
> is that, and is it a security problem?
> Angelo
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William Kimball, Jr.
"Programming is an art form that fights back!"  =)

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