[CLUE-Tech] If you administer a mail server, you might find this useful.

Joe 'Zonker' Brockmeier jzb at dissociatedpress.net
Fri Jun 4 09:44:41 MDT 2004

On Fri, 2004-06-04 at 09:01, William wrote:
> popauth3 is not a POP daemon, it's a Linux maillog monitoring utility that automates select
> *useful* reactions to events found there.  Therefore, this is highly relevant to this list, and
> should not be considered "list spam".  Read into it before you judge it -- I'm sure there's a
> relevant parable in here somewhere...  I put a lot of work into this, and I considered the
> audience before I posted.  You're a Linux support group, right?  Well, this is a Linux project
> that needs support.

Well, technically, this is a Linux *user* support group... the list
mostly exists for the purpose of allowing CLUE members to help one
another with technical problems that they might be facing with Linux.
Since you're signed up for the list, I'm sure you read the description
for the list:

"CLUE-Tech is our LUG list for technical support and discussion of
hardware, software Linux solutions. For discussions of a non-technical
nature, please subscribe to the clue-talk list."

It's certainly not out of line for a member to recommend a program that
they've found useful on the list -- but the traffic on the list would
quickly become ridiculously high if every open source / free software
author signed up for the list for the purpose of plugging their program
on the list to try to boost their user base. 

I did a quick search, and it appears that you've posted to the Tech list
before on other topics, so it doesn't look to me like you only
subscribed to the Tech list exclusively to plug your project -- and I
would hope we're not trying to discourage CLUE members from plugging the
projects that they're involved in. I don't know about the rest of the
folks on the list, but I'd be very interested in hearing about new free
and open source software that CLUE members are working on -- even if the
particular project doesn't catch my interest or meet my needs at the


Joe 'Zonker' Brockmeier <jzb at dissociatedpress.net>

"Gravity is a harsh mistress!" -- The Tick

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