[CLUE-Tech] rhat 9 ftp install --> unable to retrieve netstg2.img

Michael Robbert mrobbert at mines.edu
Thu Jun 10 09:54:01 MDT 2004

That double slash has always been there in RH installs. It has thrown me 
for a loop a few times, but I've always found another problem to be the 
real cause. I just threw a RH9 CD in a spare machine and the URL you 
give works fine. It took awhile for the netstg2.img to come down which 
we making me wonder, but if finally got the whole thing and went to the 
next screen. In face I also noticed that before it gets the netstg2.img 
it gets another one, using the same double slash URL. Can you somehow 
verify that your networking setup is correct? That is the most likely 
cause of your problem. Unfortunately you can't get a prompt from the 
install until after the netstg2.img loads so that option is out. Can you 
try to boot into rescue mode? If you only have a net install CD that 
won't work because it needs the same file from the network. You'll need 
a full RH9 disc1 and at the boot: prompt type "linux rescue". Otherwise 
just check from another machine on the same subnet that you're trying to 
use to make sure you can get this URL from a live system, then double 
check the IP, subnet, default GW, and DNS server that you're using.

Good Luck!

Jeffery Cann wrote:
> Google was negligent in showing a solution, so I turn
> to my trusted CLUEbie Nation...
> I'm booting the rhat 9 install program to perform an
> FTP install.  Everything is working great except the
> FTP command to start the downloads.  When I flip over
> to another console, I see the following error:
> unable to retrieve
> ftp://ftp.redhat.com//pub/redhat/linux/9/en/os/i386/RedHat/base/netstg2.img
> Notice the double slash between .com and pub.  This
> seems to prevent ftp from working correctly.  This is
> not a typo in the FTP directory dialog -- I'm
> absolutely positive that the install program is adding
> data I do not enter.  But, here's what I think should
> be entered (and what I have tried).
> ftp server:  ftp.redhat.com
> ftp directory:  /pub/redhat/linux/9/en/os/i386/
> The install program appends the 'RedHat/base'
> directories.  It also (stupidly) prepends the extra
> slash to the directory, so even if I put in
> 'pub/redhat/...' I still get the same error.
> This is stupid, so if someone can give me a
> workaround, I appreciate it.
> TIA,
> Jeff
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Michael "Murph" Robbert
System Administrator for Math/CS
Colorado School of Mines, Golden, CO  80401-1887
Office: GC249
Office phone: 303-273-3786
Pager: 303-461-6543
Email: mrobbert at mines.edu

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