[CLUE-Tech] cheap/free certificate authorities

David Anselmi anselmi at anselmi.us
Fri Jun 18 17:19:31 MDT 2004

Brandon N wrote:
> I'm just curious if others have had any experience with CA's, and have
> any tips.  Also, does anyone know of javascript, php or something
> script that will point users to the cacert root certificate if it
> notices they don't have it?

I've commented before (here or on CLUE Admin) that I don't think CAs are 
worth what they charge.  And more so if their root certs aren't 
preinstalled (but that's me, YMMV).

As for getting the root cert to the users, if Apache has the right MIME 
type for the cert, Mozilla will do something sensible when a cert is 
downloaded.  IE does something different, I don't remember if it is 
sensible or not.  (You can link to the root cert at the CA, or keep a 
copy on your server.)

It isn't a question of the server detecting that the client needs the 
cert--for verification the server probably provides the whole cert chain 
anyway.  It's a question of the browser trusting the root cert (if you 
find a way to do that in javascript, send it to bugtraq).

You should definately provide clear directions in an obvious place about 
installing the root cert into the user's browser.  And I would provide 
an answer to "why should I trust this root cert" since that decision 
will affect more than just your site.  (Most users don't know enough to 
ask that question, but providing a security education is a good thing IMO.)


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