[CLUE-Tech] Help with a source rpm

Francis X. Maier franx at qwest.net
Wed Mar 3 14:41:29 MST 2004

Sorry if this is a pretty basic noob scenario, but here goes:

1.  I installed Yellow Dog 3.0 on an iMac, and it works just fine.  But 
I want to use the net, and my ethernet port is fried, so I need to 
install the linux-wlan-ng driver to run my D-link USB wireless adapter. 
  To do that, the docs say I should recompile my kernel.  The kernel 
installed by YDL 3.0 is kernel-2.4.20-8d.

2.  The kernel appears to be installed in my /usr/src directory -- 
wherein there are three additional subdirectories:  linux-2.4; 
linux-2.4.20-8d; and rpm.  The first subdirectory (linux-2.4) is 
colored green; the other two are colored blue.  So my assumption is 
that linux-2.4 and the files within it (init, driver, kernel, and so 
on) are the functioning kernel.

3.  I burned a CD containing a new kernel source rpm, 

4.  I became root and mounted the CD, using: mount -t iso9660 /dev/hdb 

5.  In order to test what I'm doing, I created a test directory:  mkdir 

6.  I then:  cp /mnt/kernel-2.4.20-8e.src.rpm /home/franx/test.

7.  I then:  cd /home/franx/test

8:  I then: ls and see kernel-2.4.20-8e.src.rpm now sitting in my 
/home/franx/test directory.  Great.

9.  From within that directory, I then:  rpm -iv 
kernel-2.4.20-8e.src.rpm.  I get 10 or 15 lines of "user or group 
dburcaw does not exist, using root," ending in the single line:

10.  OK, that seems good.  But when I then try to make menuconfig, or 
even move "kernel-2.4.20-8e" or open it as a directory, I get nothing 
but various "can't do" or "doesn't exist" messages.  What and where is 
"kernel-2.4.20-8e"?  What am I doing wrong?

11.  Post script.  I subsequently went to /usr/src/linux-2.4 and opened 
the file "kernel" with the vi text editor.  I saw a line that said 
"kernel-2.4.20-8e."  But the installed iteration is 8d.  Huh?  Am I 
running make menuconfig in the wrong directory or at some wrong stage?

Any help would be much appreciated.

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