[CLUE-Tech] Re: Red Hat 9 & glibc

Mike Staver staver at fimble.com
Fri Mar 19 17:47:43 MST 2004

Yes, even though I was a retard and was trying to update those other 
RPMs on the wrong version of a system, I have never been able to 
actually upgrade glibc on any install I have ever tried it on.  Mainly, 
I have tried it on 7.1, 7.2, 7.3, and 9.  You think somebody at Red Hat 
might notice that downloading all the rpms from their update page, and 
running rpm -Uvh *.rpm doesn't work.  I suppose using up2date would 
work, but I have never paid for one of those accounts before.

Friedman, Jason wrote:

> I have the same problem.  I suppose I should be a good citizen and report this to RedHat/Fedora.
> In the meantime, I read the same warning regarding SSL and took it to mean the vulnerability is that someone can crash your SSH daemon, not that someone can bypass the daemon and log in to the box.  I decided that I can worry about upgrading after a crash, if any.  Not sure if you are in the same boat.
>>Can someone tell me exactly how to upgrade to the latest 
>>glibc version 
>>on a Red Hat 9 machine without destroying the box? EVERY time 
>>I try to 
>>update glibc, I end up having to reinstall.  I'm using 
>>packages from here:
>>I download all the i386 rpms, and then dump them into a folder called 
>>"rpms" and then I run this as root:
>>rpm -Uvh *.rpm
>>Almost all the time, something will fail, and I'll end up having to 
>>resinstall because now glibc is shot.  The reason I am trying 
>>to do is 
>>is because I'm trying to get the latest ssl rpms, but they 
>>are telling 
>>me this:
> ...[omitted]
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                                 -Mike Staver
                                  staver at fimble.com
                                  mstaver at globaltaxnetwork.com

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