[CLUE-Tech] named & Suse 9

David Anselmi anselmi at anselmi.us
Sun Mar 28 21:26:18 MST 2004

Collins Richey wrote:
> SUSE is an excellent product, but I hate with a passion those automatic,
> do-all-with-magic functions like yast(2). As you can see now, even if it
> works you have to dig to see what happened. Maybe you could find all the
> files changed in /etc on the date you made the change. If you didn't
> change it, then it must have been yast(2).

It's not nearly as bad as having a registry.  Try:

find /etc -type f | xargs grep -l

and you'll likely find the file yast changed.  Understanding how SuSE 
brings the network up and down is probably a useful thing if you plan to 
use it for a while.


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