[CLUE-Tech] email address hijacked by spammers

Keith Hellman khellman at mcprogramming.com
Wed Mar 31 07:10:22 MST 2004

When I've had Email addresses hijacked (it only seems to happen to my
yahoo account), I just ride out the storm.  Maybe a new procmail rule
straight into /dev/null but the hassle usually subsides.

On Tue, Mar 30, 2004 at 09:20:30PM -0700, Jeff Cann wrote:
> Finally, regarding multiple accounts (I have 5 that I use all of the time), I 
> found that Kmail works well.  I forward all account email to my second tier 
> account (except untrusted yahoo - I continue to use their web interface).  
> But, the 'identities' feature in Kmail lets me send appropriate from, 
> signature, etc for each email account.  For example, as I'm responding to a 
> CLUE-Tech email, Kmail automatically changes my identity to the second tier 
> address.

Don't mean to be hijacking the thread but I wanted to point out:
- if your tired of the Yahoo web interface, try YoSucker
  (http://yosucker.sourceforge.net/).  I read *my* yahoo mail in mutt
- speaking of which, if you are tethered to the console look and feel,
  then mutt provides similar 'folder-hooks' for automatic selection of
  Email headers depending on the Email or folder your reading from.
  Sounds alot like what Kmail does; I suspect most MUAs do this now a
  days (btw, where is match with the anticipated Sypleed plug? :^)

Keith Hellman                             #include <disclaimer.h>
khellman at mcprogramming.com                from disclaimer import standard

So I am actually not a big fanatic about having tools that figure out your
problems for you. Because if you need tools for that, you design[ed] something
wrong in the first place. 

-- Linus Torvalds
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