[CLUE-Tech] Fedora Core 1 on a 4Gig HDD?

William bkimball1 at yahoo.com
Tue May 4 10:31:29 MDT 2004

In booting from CD-ROM and using the GUI Anaconda to attempt a Minimal installation of Fedora onto
a small box with a single 4Gig HDD fails during the copy/install phase.  The error it throws seems
to indicate insufficient drive space.  (Aside:  The Anaconda installer should check HDD
requirements *before* attempting to copy files.)

I'd still like to get a fundamental Fedora on this box with it's meager 4Gig HDD.  Can this be
done?  How?

Thanks all!

William Kimball, Jr.
"Programming is an art form that fights back!"  =)

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