[CLUE-Tech] After DSL upgrade - some wierd problems

Paul clue at cyber-addict.com
Sat May 22 22:21:31 MDT 2004

Actually, that should not depend on your ISP.  It should depend on the 
router.  Your machine would resolve the hostname to an external IP, so 
it would send it to your router.  The router *should* see that the IP 
is on its external interface, and send it to there.  So it should never 
go to the ISP's router.

However, most routers have an "anti-spoofing" rule to prevent IPs 
coming from the internal LAN from going to the external interface.  
Some do not.


Hosted by CyberAddict (http://www.cyberaddict.net)

On May 22, 2004, at 3:34 PM, David Anselmi wrote:

> Paul wrote:
> [...]
> > However,
>> if you want to use a hostname inside of your domain as well, then you 
>> either need to use a different hostname that has the assigned 
>> INTERNAL ip address (192.168.x.x), or use Bind and views to make sure 
>> it resolves to an internal ip address when you are inside the network 
>> and external ip when you are outside the network.
> This will work but it isn't always necessary.  I can get to my server 
> from my internal LAN using either the internal or external IP.
> On a whim I tried tracerouting from inside to the outside IP.  Hey, 
> look!  A router at Qwest (my ISP) shows up.  That's handy.
> So to add to my original answer, it looks like the ability to reach 
> the external IP from inside may depend on your ISP.
> Looking at my router's routing table, this behavior is what you'd 
> expect.  I can put a route in to cut the ISP out but that seems to 
> break my DNAT (and routing through my ISP and back seems like it might 
> be useful).
> So you might look at the Zoom's routing table -- maybe it has a route 
> for your external IP and you're seeing DNAT break.  Maybe it doesn't 
> and you're seeing your ISP's router doing something odd.  What does it 
> say?
> Dave
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