[CLUE-Tech] Oracle rownum; mysql equivalent

Jeff Cann j.cann at isuma.org
Mon Oct 11 22:02:51 MDT 2004

Hash: SHA1

OK.  I have a dynamic report that lists a set in order of points from a table:

Player	Points
A		1000
B		900
C		1100	

What I want is a MySql query that will add a psuedo column, called rank.  The 
'rank' column simply increments with each row, e.g.,

Rank	Player	Points
1    		C		1100
2		A		1000
3		B		900

The ranking pseudo column is dynamically generated when the SQL statement runs 
as the ranking of a player can change at any time.

Oracle has something called rownum that is a pseudo column.  So from Oracle, I 
would do this:

select rownum, player, points from table order by points asc;

Here's the MySql equivalent.  Use a user variable and then increment it.

mysql> SET @rownum := 0;
mysql> SELECT @rownum := @rownum + 1 AS rank, score
    -> FROM t ORDER BY score DESC;

- From :
+ http://db.oreilly.com/recipe/solution4.html

It took me a good hour to find this out, so I thought I would post it for 
future (easier) reference.

- -- 
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not entirely thought out, not faithfully lived."
- - Pope John Paul II


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