[clue-tech] Please trim your posts - netiquette again

J j7s12b at comcast.net
Sat Apr 23 22:52:18 MDT 2005

On Saturday 23 April 2005 16:19, Joe 'Zonker' Brockmeier wrote:
> Remember, if you top-post or neglect to trim posts, the terrorists have
> won. Or something equally bad. Just don't do it. It's a Bad Thing.
> Zonker

I noticed that clue sends out a monthly reminder to explain that you are 
subscribed to clue, which seems silly since you would notice that you are 
getting mail from clue way before you get this notice but...

This seems like a wasted opportunity to educate people about the expectations 
we list critters have for stuff that lands in our inbox. 

Maybe the reminder mail could be used to explain the things that need 
explaining to those who need to be brought up to date as to the expectations 
of people on lists who expect things to happen that haven't been explained 
before to these people, especially people who have never received a mail 
explaining these things, things that obviously need explaining, for people 
who haven't experienced the explaining process, a process that is needed by 
these people, a process needing people, a people needing a process.  

It just seems like a waste of bandwidth to tell me over and over, month after 
month, year after year, that I am subscribed to a listserve (and no one 
complains about that wasting bits and bandwidth) when you could be using the 
opportunity to tell people things like "what is top/bottom posting, and why 
we like one or the other", or "why not trimming post will piss people off" . 

Im not saying this will solve anything or help (even a little). This has been 
going on for a long time, but instead of waiting until some poor member 
screws up to enlighten them, why not include the links to historical 
documents that outline how you should behave on the list right there in the 
monthly bandwidth wasting email before it is needed? maybe it will reduce the 
number of threads like this! ....

well, prolly not, but hay! i got to use the word "toroid" in this mail so Im 


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