[clue-tech] CLUE jabber server?

David L. Anselmi anselmi at anselmi.us
Wed Dec 14 21:59:35 MST 2005

Sean LeBlanc wrote:
> I can tell you that once you have it, it's irritating when someone at work
> does not use it.
> It's nice to be able to ping someone with a quick question or to see if they
> are there for a phone call if in co-located office.

So not much use at my office, where we can't figure out calendaring in 
Outlook ;-)

So if CLUE sets up IM, who can I get to with it?  Other CLUE members? 
Not sure I care.  Or can I set up my own IM lists for random people I know?

It might be fun to have a CLUE IRC, perhaps as part of installfest, or 
hacking society, or whatever the Collins reincarnation of FUN da mentals 
is.  Sort of a virtual extension of the meeting for those in far off 
lands like Leadville.

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