[clue-tech] VMServer 1.0 Host/Guest Internet problems

David L. Anselmi anselmi at anselmi.us
Fri Dec 15 16:31:04 MST 2006

Eric Beale wrote:
> David,
> On my WinXP vm, the TCP/IP Properties does not allow for "Obtain an IP 
> address automatically" or "Obtain DNS server address automatically" 
> settings. Both are grayed out. I am logged onto the WinXP as the Admin, 
> with full rights.
> The "type of dial-up server I am calling" is set to "SLIP: Unix 
> Connection", which seems to force entering IP/DNS addresses.

I don't think you want to use a serial connection.  Have you installed 
the VMWare tools on the guest?

I'm using bridged networking.  Have you tried that, or do you want 
something else?  (Look at the ethernet settings in the VM settings.)  As 
long as you aren't doing anything more than web surfing I'd guess that 
NAT is the easiest network connection to use.

The NIC shows up on the guest as a VMware Accelerated AMD PCNet Adapter 
and it is set to use DHCP.  I happen to have a DHCP server on the host 
but it's just luck that it gives out the right DNS info.


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