[clue-tech] Novell desktop demos

dperkins at frii.com dperkins at frii.com
Tue Feb 7 07:47:07 MST 2006

>> One of my bosses is a marketroid.  He makes claims about new features in
>> one of our products that it cannot do.  It could if I had been told that
>> they want to make these claims so I could write the necessary code, but
>> even then there are side effects that must be considered carefully.  No
>> amount of hand waving will make them disappear.
> Well said. Just out of curiosity, what kind of side effects are you
> talking about?

In this case, it's a PLC (programmable logic controller code) program, an
HMI (human-machine interface.  In other words, a touch screen).  The
complication is due to the new capability of one of our Windows programs
to directly talk to the PLC.  In theory, you can control valves from both
the HMI or the Windows program.  But the PLC program needs to be modified
to allow the Windows program to do so.

The side effect of this is caused by people trying to control valves at
the same time from both places.  In my experience people sometimes forget
to return control to the PLC, so now the system is no longer working as

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