[clue-tech] multiple plone sites

Angelo Bertolli angelo at freeshell.org
Fri Jan 6 21:58:53 MST 2006

Matt Gushee wrote:

>Angelo Bertolli wrote:
>>Well, the answer (at least in my case) is to make one Zope server and
>>install multiple Plone sites in it.  But after dealing with Plone for a
>>couple of days, I'm ready to give up.  The amount of complexity isn't
>>worth the abilities that this system can manage.
>Hmm ... maybe that's why I don't use Zope.
>But what kind of site are you building?
Nothing in particular, just playing around.  I wanted to be able to 
create pages that had a picture and some text.  So, for example some 
simple interface that allows me to place a picture on the left, or the 
right, etc. and add a paragraph on the other side.  Seems like if you 
want to do this with Plone you have to know HTML, or use their own 
special codes.  I don't have the inability to create my own pages by 
hand, but if I have to do it anyway, why bother using CMS?

>>I still can't get
>>Apache Rewrites to work to mask the site URL, but maybe that's a problem
>>I'm having with Apache.
>I'm not exactly an expert, but I've had some success with URL rewriting.
>If you can describe the problem, I might have an idea or two.
I was using Virtual Host Monster style Rewrites in Apache.  Apache was 
responding with 403 permission denied no matter what I did.  I tried 
turning on proxy, and enabling it, etc.  But nothing seemed to work.


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