[clue-tech] Memory

Timothy Klein tck at silverklein.net
Tue Jan 17 09:11:14 MST 2006

On 16 Jan 2006, at 12:53 PM, Michael Mosbauer wrote:

> I'm still fairly new to Linux.  I have two systems setup.  Both  
> with AMD processors and 512MB of memory.  One is loaded with  
> Kubuntu 10 and the other with Suse 9.3 Prof.  Both of the system  
> bios reads all the memory at bootup.  Once my system is up I notice  
> that linux is only reporting 128MB of memory.  Why is this?   
> Everywhere else I check states that Linux should be able to read up  
> to 1Gig directly from the bios.  Does anyone have any ideas?

What boot loader does Kubuntu use?  I think it's GRUB.

I don't know how to do it in grub, but in Lilo you pass a boot  
parameter of mem=512M.  I thought this problem had gone away awhile  
ago, though.  It did for me.  I used to have to do that on some of my  
Abit KT-7 Raid boards, but eventually the kernel quit having that  

But research how to pass that parameter to the linux kernel through  
Grub, and see if it fixes the problem.  (If you happen to be using  
Lilo, at the boot prompt, type [Linux] mem=512M before the system  
boots, where [Linux] is the name of your default kernel ( I *think*  
you hit tab to see a list of bootable kernels and their names at the  
prompt in Lilo).  If that fixed your problem, add a mem=512M to your  
boot stanzas in /etc/lilo.conf  (man lilo.conf will explain the  
structure of that file).  Be careful to read all the appropriate docs  
for boot loaders carefully, because a typo can make your system  
unbootable (which is fixable, but it requires a tiny bit of elbow  

But again, I think Kubuntu uses Grub, so you'ls have to figure out  
how to do the equivalent with that boot loader.  And of course, it  
could always be some other problem ;-)

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