[clue-tech] mp3/ogg players

Kevin Fenzi kevin at scrye.com
Sun Nov 4 17:59:54 MST 2007

On Sun, 4 Nov 2007 15:37:58 -0700
crichey at gmail.com ("Collins Richey") wrote:

> My wife has a collection of inspirational audio recordings that she
> would like to put on an mp3/ogg/ipod/??? device to listen to to/from
> work or whenever. I have them ripped to ogg on my pc. Now the search
> is on for a portalbe device that I can transfer the files to via USB.
> I know from nothing about these devices. Is there such a device that
> will allow me to download the ogg (if necessary, convert to mp3, but
> preferably ogg) files? She has a little mp3 player (called mpj210)
> that is designed to work with napster, but I can see no way to
> download files directly to the device even though it has a USB
> connection.
> Any help appreciated.

Not too many devices out there support OGG in their native firmware. 

However, you can look at finding a older/cheaper device and running
rockbox on it. rockbox is a free replacement firmware that supports a
bunch of devices and will happily play oggs on all of them. 

see http://rockbox.org/ for a list of supported players. 


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