[clue-tech] Re: Hello sidux?

Nate Duehr nate at natetech.com
Mon Mar 31 15:03:37 MDT 2008

Collins Richey wrote:
> On Sun, Mar 30, 2008 at 5:04 PM, Collins Richey <crichey at gmail.com> wrote:
>> This thread would not be complete without a little humor about the Map
>>  of Debian and Sidux placement on the map.
>>  http://sidux.com/PNphpBB2-viewtopic-t-2508.html
> Quote from the referenced thread. Interesting data that I did not know.
> "Debian Developers are at their happiest running and working on Sid -
> a recent survey found that something like 76% of Debian users run Sid,

It would be interesting to do that same "poll" on debian-isp or one of 
the production admin lists where most of the people are tasked with 
keeping things running or they lose their jobs.  :-)

Sid to tinker with at home.  Cool.  Sid in the business world?  Insanity.

But the numbers are interesting.  I bet the numbers are skewed by the 
way the poll was done too -- how many people happily load Etch or are 
still back on Sarge or whatever... who don't participate in the online 
Debian community?  I bet a lot.

I can't remember where the package called popularity-contest (which 
sends data from Debian machines if it's installed to the Debian 
developers for analysis of which packages are the most-used) public data 
is hosted... last I recall it was on some dev's homepage on 
alioth.debian.org -- but it would tell an interesting statistical tale, 
also... since version numbers rev on just about every package between 

Debian-User is the nightmare list from hell to track... I delete 
something like 2000 messages a week from it, thread by thread, about 
things I'm not interested in reading, and Debian still is very mailing 
list based.

There are some good wiki-type sites, but they're not as strong as the 
old-school crew on the various mailing lists.

About all I can keep up with, and not all that well, are the following:

nate at durango:~$ grep debian .procmailrc
* ^TO_debian-announce at lists.debian.org
* ^TO_debian-hams at lists.debian.org
* ^TO_debian-isp at lists.debian.org
* ^TO_debian-kde at lists.debian.org
* ^TO_debian-laptop at lists.debian.org
* ^TO_debian-news at lists.debian.org
* ^TO_debian-security-announce at lists.debian.org
* ^TO_debian-user at lists.debian.org
* ^TO_debian-user-digest at lists.debian.org

Debian-security-announce is probably one of the more important ones 
anyone running a Debian box should always be receiving... and 
debian-hams is by far the most fun!  (GRIN... but that's just my 
penchant for Amateur Radio showing.  Debian-hams is by far the most 
active group of developers and packagers for Amateur Radio applications 
anywhere I've found in the Linux sphere.)

As you can see, I waver from reading debian-user in regular and digest 
mode, but right now I'm back to "leaded" vs. "unleaded".  ;-)

http://www.debian-administration.org/ wavers from being really good 
articles to ultra-crap, but generally the signal is generally greater 
than the noise there.


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