[clue-tech] Limewire Private Network

David L. Anselmi anselmi at anselmi.us
Mon Apr 6 23:14:56 MDT 2009

Jed S. Baer wrote:
> http://arstechnica.com/tech-policy/news/2009/03/the-new-version-of-p2p.ars
> So, anyone tried this out?

No.  I don't have any friends and no one wants my files. ;-)

> The "firewall" FAQ at limewire isn't quite helpful enough to provide
> clear information such as "in order for this to work, you must open ports
> n and n on your firewall", or anything like that.

It looks like you just use UPnP.  If your router/firewall doesn't 
support that you pick a port manually and do a port forward.  (It'd be 
cool if you didn't have to forward through server magic, but oh well.)

Have you gotten it to connect and share publicly?  I don't see anything 
about adding a leaf to leaf connection directly and I don't understand 
what the adding a friend stuff means.

Oh, wait, here's the direct connect part:


Did you try that?  It wants an IP and port, which is what I'd expect. 
Should be easy from there.  Is there a chance either ISP is blocking things?


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