[clue-tech] yum / apt update minimum age

David L. Willson DLWillson at TheGeek.NU
Sat Aug 29 11:22:05 MDT 2009

> > Here's my objective:  I want to deploy every package that's been
> > available and newest for a week.  My hope is that by doing so, I
> will
> > avoid those rare times that a bugged patch gets uploaded, breaks
> > everything, and then a new, good patch goes up the next day.
> In Debian that's called "testing".  stable doesn't get bugged
> patches.
> You can ask about getting support for that added to the Packages file
> (it currently doesn't know anything about dates).
> But that seems like an odd problem to have.  Do you have examples?

I do, actually.  Sometime last year, I spent most of a day troubleshooting an inaccessible Ubuntu Samba server.  I finally did a full update on the system, even though it had ~just~ been updated, with a patch for Samba even.  Lo, there was a new patch for Samba and after applying it, everything began to work again.  I don't know for ~sure~ that the prior patch was bugged, but I suppose it was.  I've seen lots of double-patches go by, though.  A patch one day, then another patch the next.  It seems reasonable to wait a day or three on a patch being newest before deploying it.

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