[clue-tech] SUSE

David L. Willson DLWillson at TheGeek.NU
Wed Jun 3 13:36:03 MDT 2009

What is the equivalent of apt-get (install|update|dist-upgrade) in SUSE?  I'm trying to freshen my knowledge of it, after 2 years and 7 months of boycotting, and I find that I'm so Ubuntu'd and RH'd that I can't get my things on.

I need scrot, mplayer, dvdcss, lbreakout2, oolite, uqm, Progress Quest, tilde-terminal, and all sorts of things...  How do I 'sudo apt-get install' in SUSE-ese?

David L. Willson
Trainer, Engineer, Enthusiast
MCT, MCSE, Linux+

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