[clue-tech] Simple Perl regex

Jed S. Baer cluemail at jbaer.cotse.net
Thu Dec 16 18:10:15 MST 2010

Well, I must be fogbound, because I don't see why this regex I've written
doesn't work.

Goal: given a string containing:

 blah xmlUrl="stuph I want to extract" more blah

grab the string inside the quote marks, introduced by 'xmlUrl='.

So I have this:
  if ( $foo =~ /xmlUrl=\"(.+?)\"/ ) {
     # if we get here, then $1 is stuph I want to extract
     print "$1\n";

So maybe it's been too long since I've written Perl, but IIRC (and
according to a couple doc pages I just read), stuff matching inside
parens is assigned to $1, $2 ..., and ? makes the repeat non-greedy.

Seems perfect! :)

But it don't print nothing. :(

Ok, so we should be thinking of a lovable, cuddly, stuffed penguin
sitting down after having gorged itself on herring. Still with me? 
 -- Linus Torvalds

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