[clue] [tech] Asterisk in a virtual machine, timer, timing, & real time clock questions

Jim Ockers ockers at ockers.net
Thu Aug 4 10:40:57 MDT 2011


chris fedde wrote:
> Running ntp in a vm is frequently a problem.  The issues have to do
> with conflicts between NTP hardware assumptions and the synthetic
> nature of hardware interrupts inside the VM.   Most VM hypervisors
> have a set of daemons to run on the guest to ensure that system
> services like wall clock time are kept in synch.
What kind of daemons?  Like, what are they called, and which VM 
hypervisors have them?  This was in VMware and I don't remember seeing 
any daemons like that in any version of VMware, but maybe I missed them?


Jim Ockers, P.Eng. (ockers at ockers.net)
Contact info: http://www.ockers.net/msi.html

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