[clue] [Tech] Red Hat Ent Server runlevels

Bruce Ediger bediger at stratigery.com
Mon Jul 11 14:38:30 MDT 2011

I'm a native Slackware user, and my other PC runs Arch at the moment,
but I need some plain talk about Red Hat Enterprise Server runlevels.

Suppose I have a server that I want started when a system boots.
My understanding is this:

I write a /bin/sh script that takes one command-line parameter, "start"
or "stop".  When run with "start", the script has to fire up the server.
When run with "stop", it has to stop the server.

I put the /bin/sh script in /etc/rc.d/init.d.  I make it owned by
root/root, and give it 700 permissions.

I create symbolic links from that /bin/sh script to
/etc/rc.d/rc3.d/S99mynewscript and /etc/rc.d/rc5.d/K99mynewscript
and /etc/rc.d/rc6.d/K99mynewscript

Then, I reboot and verify that my server gets stopped and started

Is anything wrong with the procedure above? Have I mixed Slackware and
Arch style runlevels with Red Hat runlevels?  Am I even close to

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