[clue] Two envelopes.

David L. Anselmi anselmi at anselmi.us
Wed Nov 20 14:05:21 MST 2013

It is time for me to step down from my duties as CLUE President.  I will continue what I have been 
doing until 1 Jan, or as soon as the next President is able to take over the responsibilities.  (I 
don't currently have any leads on a January meeting topic, but December is covered.)


We don't have a documented process for transitioning duties so I'm open to suggestions.  We've done 
a vote in the past.  I hope someone with enthusiasm is willing to pick up the reins.

I'm willing to continue doing the things listed at http://cluedenver.org/display.php?node=contacts 
under CLUE Responsibilities/Web site until someone else wants to do them.  Except for "perform back 
up and restore".


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