[CLUE-Adm] Speaker Guidelines

Dave Anselmi anselmi at americanisp.net
Tue Feb 19 21:30:43 MST 2002

Dave Hahn wrote:

> Document looks great, well written, needed and very 'jucy'.  :-)
> However, while we are on the topic...
> One other thing that seems to happen, but, having been up front a few
> times, I'm not sure there's a good way to handle it without alienating
> the audience, is the way and type of questions that are asked *during*
> a presentation.  Afterward is a different can of worms.

I understand your concern and agree that our audience can be rude
(probably unintentionally).

As far as timing, I'm happy to let the speakers determine whether
they'll entertain questions during, or only after, the talk.  Some talks
are more amenable to one or the other.  Perhaps we should encourage
speakers to consider this and make a statement in the guidelines.
Certainly if they say something we should enforce their wishes (Jeff C
will probably be best at this, but I'll try to help too).

Perhaps talking to the speaker to get a feel for his sensitivity will
help us determine how heavy handed to be.

It's probably a good idea to encourage people to keep their questions
brief and on topic at the beginning of each talk, too.  We run over
often enough as it is.


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