[CLUE-Admin] Meeting location page

Lynn Danielson lynnd at techangle.com
Tue Jul 8 13:47:36 MDT 2003

Jed S. Baer wrote:

>Lynn Danielson <lynnd at techangle.com> wrote:
>>So, we could say something to the effect that our meeting room
>>is subject to change and to either contact the hotel or check with
>>the front desk for meeting room location when you attend a
>>meeting.  The Radisson has been posting our meetings on an event
>>sign near the front desk and I'm pretty sure the room is listed there.
>Working on that.

Thanks.  I realize it's not place to ask you to do this,
but it's something that's been bugging me.

>>Also, the link to the Radisson's floor plan ...
>>If we downloaded the floor plan jpeg, I think we could count
>>on that not to change any time soon.  Otherwise, I think we
>>should drop the link to floor plans all together.
>I don't see any specific "terms of use" on the Radisson page
>permitting/denying copying their content, other than the blanket "all
>rights reserved" at the bottom of the page. Do we need to worry about

I'd like to think not.  But it might be prudent to inquire. 

>Also, Yahoo has a better map (maybe -- see below). Anyone see any
>objections with their terms of use?  <snip>
>OTOH, mapquest shows a slightly different location. Seems to me the hotel
>is on the south side of 225, and the Yahoo map is wrong. Hmmm. Mapquests's
>license specifies "personal" use (same as Yahoo).

Are our current maps inadequate?  You're right about the Yahoo
map putting the star in the wrong place.  I'd vote against using
that map unless some touch up was done to it.  I imagine that
modifying a Yahoo map, then publishing it, would be more
likely to get us in trouble than using an unaltered map.

As for use of Mapquest and Yahoo maps, I thought it was ok as
long as you left their trademark on the graphic.  I guess the fact
that lots of people do it doesn't make it right.  I think it would
be difficult to construe our website as personal use, but we are a
not for profit organization.  Officially CLUE is not even an entity.
So, if there is a copyright violation what's the worst that could happen?
Could they go after individual volunteers?  Could they go after


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