[clue-admin] Admin term limits?

Danielson, Lynn Lynn.Danielson at ihs.com
Tue Jan 3 10:44:52 MST 2006

Other clubs hold elections are once a year.  Time is taken out of one of
the regular scheduled meetings to accomplish this.  Any member of the
club can nominate any other member for a position.  A seconding of the
nomination is requested and if received the nomination stands.  After
the nominations, the election is carried out either with a paper ballot
or a simple raising of hands.  

I suspect the biggest problem in our group is going to be getting new
volunteers for the position.  But an election might encourage some to
volunteer who wouldn't otherwise.  Especially if they know they don't
have to do it indefinitely.  If an existing officer is willing to
continue in their capacity or try a different position, they can
nominate themselves.  If the opposite is true, they can decline a
nomination or state up front that they are not interested in continuing
on in that role.

Fwiw -- Lynn

-----Original Message-----
From: clue-admin-bounces at cluedenver.org
[mailto:clue-admin-bounces at cluedenver.org] On Behalf Of Jeff Cann
Sent: Sunday, January 01, 2006 7:20 PM
To: clue-admin at cluedenver.org
Subject: [clue-admin] Admin term limits?


I was thinking about our open positions today.  When I send an email to
lists and a few others in the area to ask for volunteers, I would like
to say 
that the volunteer term is 12 months.  At the end of 12 months, anyone
bail out w/o reservation, feeling like they did their Linux duty, so to 

In the 6 years I have been involved, we generally haven't had such a
long term 
(more than 6 months) in filling open positions.  My hope is that this
help people feel like they are not committed to a long-term endeavor 
(multiple years) when the volunteer for CLUE.   This goes for all of us
the current positions.

Please let me know if this is not acceptable.  [Jed - I have some
updates to 
the 'Contacts' page which I'll email to you separately].

Also, since we are on this topic if anyone does not want to renew their
for 2006, please contact me off-list.

Happy New Year!
Great spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre
        - Albert Einstein
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