[clue-admin] Mail issues

Jed S. Baer cluemail at jbaer.cotse.net
Thu Mar 13 18:32:49 MDT 2008

Hi Folks.

Seems we have a few more e-mail issues. Not sure what the upshot of the

"cannot access mailbox /var/mail/tech for user tech. error writing
message: File too large"

error message is.

Presumably, with Crawford (and Roy, on any DNS issues) working the issue
with Comcast, mail to Dennis will start going through, but while this has
been happening, any e-mail to "president" or "sponsors" has been bouncing.

Is there any chance we can find a mail expert to set something up such
that log messages from mailman and postfix, which need human
intervention, get noticed by a human? (And, hopefully, be the recipient
of the output of whatever filter performs that task.)

BTW, I hadn't planned on going to the Installfest, but if there's a core
of admin types showing, I will to, and maybe we can hash out some issues.

Finally, I note that the postmaster address is still aliases to Jeff
Cann. We need somebody to be this person, unless Jeff is still willing to
get those.


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