[clue-admin] host provider

Crawford Rainwater crawford.rainwater at linux-etc.com
Wed Dec 15 11:31:20 MST 2010

The question remains VPS vs. "cloud".  I personally prefer VPS model since it would meet any possible requirements for PCI (used for online sales) or similar, vs. "cloud" systems cannot meet this.  The main difference is basically a "private container" vs. "shared container".  Though I personally endorse Open Source, I also respect privacy at the same time.

As for after 2011 time frame, Linux ETC should be able to provide CLUE with a hosted VPS.  Unfortunately this cannot be done at this time, otherwise I would have suggested leaving VPSLinks much sooner.

--- Crawford

The Linux ETC Company
10121 Yates Court
Westminster, CO 80031 USA
voice:  +1.303.604.2550
web:    http://www.linux-etc.com

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