[clue-admin] CLUE Charter 0.0.1 2010-12-20

David L. Willson DLWillson at TheGeek.NU
Mon Dec 20 10:29:40 MST 2010

I'm still looking for input, but here it is, after considering all suggestions.

The one suggestion made that I feel is worthy of deep thought, is that perhaps the scope of CLUE's Charter should go beyond Linux to "free software" or "open source". I think it's a great idea, but it might be better implemented as a new club, rather than a change of mission for CLUE. At any rate, I think it's a great something to ponder/discuss.

The originals are posted (for now) at https://zimbra.thegeek.nu/home/dlwillson@thegeek.nu/Public

Here it is as inline text:


The CLUE Charter
(Revision 0.0.1)
CLUE stands for Colorado Linux Users and Enthusiasts
CLUE is a LUG (Linux User Group) in Denver, CO


CLUE exists to create opportunities for education, socialization, and support between between users and enthusiasts of the Linux (or GNU/Linux) operating system.


CLUE provides an email list-server, for club-related social contact, business networking, technical support, education, and information sharing.

CLUE provides monthly meetings with planned educational presentations and the opportunity for socialization.

CLUE provides bi-monthly Installfests where Linux enthusiasts can help one another with technical problems. Installfests problems are not restricted to installation, but should be Linux related.

CLUE provides a website with information about the club, meetings, officers and members, SIGs (Special Interest Groups) within CLUE, and groups outside CLUE that may be of interest to CLUE members.


CLUE is an amalgam of a dictatorship, meritocracy, and a democracy. Most management is done by the the President. The rest is done by consensus between the concerned and contributing. Anytime neither fiat nor consensus seems appropriate, a vote is called.

CLUE Officers - Mentioned here are offices that must be filled, in order for CLUE to continue to function. It is possible for one person to do more than one of these jobs, but it is probably not desirable. CLUE Officers will be elected by show of hands at the January meeting each year.
 * President / Benevolent Dictator - keeps the thing running, no matter what
 * Speaker Coordinator - develops a pipeline of qualified speaking talent
 * Webmaster - Maintains and improves the web-site.

CLUE Significant Contributors - Mentioned here are offices that add significant value to CLUE.
 * Installfest Coordinator - Runs the Installfest
 * Sponsor Coordinator / Schwagmeister
 * SysAdmin, and Adjunct SysAdmins


The Charter should be read aloud, reviewed, and corrected, at each January election. Document the date and the officers on each revision. Leave earlier version stamps with the officer roles for posterity.

If a mid-year change is deemed necessary, the change should be noted, signed, and the Charter should be redistributed.

Keep the document accurate to reality and supportive of CLUE's survival and growth. Remember that it will be read aloud. Keep it short.


Revision 0.0.1 prepared by David L. Willson on 2010-12-19 in response to December meeting feedback.

Draft 0.0.0 prepared by David L. Willson on 2010-12-14, at which time Dennis J. Perkins was President, Mike Burton was Speaker Coordinator, Jed S. Baer was Webmaster, Crawford Rainwater was SysAdmin, and Greg Knaddison was Sponsor Coordinator. Dave L. Anselmi ran Installfests, and was adjunct Treasurer and adjunct SysAdmin. 

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