[clue-admin] Email Lists

David L. Willson DLWillson at TheGeek.NU
Tue Dec 21 15:35:33 MST 2010

Please review the following. If you feel you can do better, please return a draft. I'd like to have this "blue book" text done and sent to CLUE-Announce sometime today.

-------------- Blue Book Text on Mailman List Structure Referendum -----------

Please read this, and vote your individual preference:

You may be aware that there's been some debate about whether CLUE is best served by the current layout of it's email lists.

I've been driving for a change in our email list structure for some time, and have succeeded in getting support from enough involved people in CLUE leadership that I've been allowed to create a "referendum", and inquire with you as to your will in the matter, in the form of this vote. Now is your opportunity to express your preference on the structure of the CLUE email lists for the 2011 program year.

You will submit your vote, by sending me an email with one of the following options. This is a non-anonymous, non-private vote, like Congress. Your name will be attached to your vote, and you may only vote once, but you may change your mind up to the January 11th meeting, at which time a final opportunity to vote will be presented and voting will be closed and counted.

A. One:

CLUE should go forward with just one email list. Posts would be expected to abide common rules of netiquette. For example, to have appropriate subject-lines, and be presumably of interest to CLUE members.

B. One + Announce

CLUE should go forward with two email lists. One for everything of interest to CLUE members and one for announcements only.

C. Current

CLUE should continue as it has been, with CLUE-Admin, CLUE-Announce, CLUE-Cert, CLUE-Jobs, CLUE-Members, CLUE-Talk, and CLUE-Tech. Each list has a description of what constitutes an appropriate posting. There is no "default" list.

D. Something else

Do you have a great idea that isn't represented by one of the above choices? Write it in, and call your 12 closest friends to make sure they write in the same thing.

Thanks for participating,

David L. Willson
Trainer, Engineer, Enthusiast
RHCE MCT MCSE Network+ A+ Linux+ LPIC-1 NovellCLA UbuntuCP
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