Meeting schedule [was Re: [CLUE-Cert] 7 Nov meeting?]

Lynn Danielson lynn.danielson at
Tue Nov 6 17:28:53 MST 2001

Dave Anselmi wrote:
> > I'd like to start meeting consistently on the 2nd and 4th Wednesdays of
> > each month
> I don't mind standardizing the dates, but 2nd and 4th doesn't work so well for
> me.  Since CLUE meets on second Tuesdays, 2nd Wednesday means 2 nights in a row

It's true and if the rest of the group is inclined to agree with you, 
I'm ok with that.  The reason I wanted to meet on the 2nd and 4th week 
is rather selfish.  I want to start attending the Java user group meetings
which are on the first Wednesdays of each month.  It's been so long since 
we picked  Wednesday nights, I can't remember now why we did.  It may have 
been for someone who either never joined the group or is no longer 

Since this is election day, it seem appropriate to take a vote. :-)
Would anyone have a problem if we moved the meetings to the first and
third Tuesday?  NCLUG meets on the first Tuesday, but I've seldom been
tempted to drive that far for a LUG meeting.  Any other conflicts or

My current preference for certification study nights would be :

1 - 1st & 3rd Tuesdays
2 - 2nd & 3rd Wednesdays
3 - 1st & 3rd Wednesdays

I'd like to hear from the rest of the group.



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