[clue-talk] How do CLUEbies vote?

David L. Willson DLWillson at TheGeek.NU
Tue Sep 25 13:53:31 MDT 2007

[I'll follow on with the radical chopping.][...]
> > rid of, I'd give up another year to see a kid, instead of being destroyed, get out of
> > his mother's womb, get his chance to breathe, run, and try to make friends.  I'd give
> Assuming, of course, that the mother didn't miscarry, didn't have to choose
> between her life and the baby, that the child wouldn't be stillborn, or born
> with horrible birth defects...
> Nothing is black and white.

I think intent is black and white.  Do I do this thing to protect life,
or to insure death?  Did this thing happen "all by itself" or as a
result of my [in]action?  For example:  If you just happen to get run
over by a truck, I'm innocent.  If I'm driving the truck, or paying the
driver, I'm not innocent.  That seems pretty white and
some-shade-of-black to me...

> > person, the one you just made, who is about to die.  It's not OK to choose abortion, but
> We'll have to agree to disagree on that point. As I said, I don't like
> abortion, and I think we should do whatever we can to minimize them. But it
> IS ok for a woman to decide what to do with her own body. Because, when the
> chips come down, it is HER body.

Do tell.  Why does it have different DNA?  DNA absolves accused rapists
of the rape, but doesn't grant an accused body-part distinction?  Odd
system, that...  It's baby's body, not Mom's.  Baby lives in Mom's body.

> > issue.  On this, he followed through, or tried to; our other elected officials stopped
> > him.  So, in this case, I lose, but I wasn't manipulated.  Nonetheless, better that I
> Are you so certain about that? Bush had 5 years with a Republican majority,
> AND he stacked the deck in the Supreme Court. It seems to me that, if he had
> really wanted to make abortions illegal, he could've easily done so. 

Only the supreme court can return rights to the unborn, AFAIK.  Yes, I'm
reasonably certain that GWB has done what he can to encourage that.

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