[clue-talk] How do CLUEbies vote?

David L. Willson DLWillson at TheGeek.NU
Wed Sep 26 20:52:57 MDT 2007

Nate, Michael, David, Brian, Kevin, Sean, Collins, Dan, and all you

I don't know about you all, but I'm ready for a break from our
discussion.  Maybe in a few days or weeks I'll post some thoughts on big
churches and tiny seeds of faith, but for now, I'm dry and worn out.  I
want to offer some sort of closing thought, something for you
deep-thinkers to walk away with.

1.  I will help.  If you know someone that's in trouble, I'll help.  You
all should have my cell number by now, but if you don't, it's
720-333-LANS(5267).  Please share my number with anyone that needs or
wants it.  I'm here, and my sons and I will give what we have to help
anyone protect or care for their child.

2.  I have found all sorts of web resources.  Places for in-trouble
parents to get help, political action centers, and more statistics than
I can stand.

3.  At the end of the web, I found Bernard Nathanson, and a lot of
things became clearer, in spite of the tears.

No hard feelings toward any of you.  I hope that's understood.  I can be
pointed and personal, but it's not meant disrespectfully.  It's more
like a good, old-fashioned rassling match to me.  I was telling my 10
year old that I'd been debating something very important with my
friends.  I'll have to wait at least a few years to tell him ~what~ we
were debating.  I hope and expect that he will be shocked that we had to
discuss it at all.

Thanks for your time, sincerely.


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