[clue-talk] Politics, anyone?

David Rudder david.rudder at reliableresponse.net
Fri Jan 4 14:52:03 MST 2008

Huckabee's in a tight spot.  Being a trailing candidate until about a 
month ago, he doesn't have the cash or infrastructure that Romney and 
Giuliani do.  Also, he's got a definite core constituency which isn't 
prevalent in much of the country, evangelical Christians.  Huckabee did 
well in Iowa because there's a lot of evangelicals, but he'll have 
trouble in New Hampshire, which is full of independents and the 
Republicans tend to be the kind that care more about taxes than God.  
Will Iowa be enough so he can lose big in New Hampshire and stil have a 
strong showing in South Carolina?  If he makes it to Feb 5th, he'll be 
facing primaries in New York, New Jersey (both strongholds of us Jewish 
people), California (tree lovers and gays), and a bunch of northern and 
western states that I don't know how to rudely categorize. 

Huckabee also hasn't been through the attack machine yet.  There's Wayne 
Dumond, a rapist who Huckabee petitioned to be released.  When he was 
released, he murdered a woman in Missouri.  Democrats may stand for 
this, but Republicans won't.  He's lucky it hasn't made bigger news yet, 
but you know it will soon.  Anyone remember Dukakis and Willie Horton?

Also, he's raised taxes, is in favor of giving scholarships to illegal 
immigrants, and is a health nut.  All of which I think is fine, but I'm 
one of those libruhls. 

Personally, I like Huckabee.  As I said, he's pro-immigrant, 
pro-healthcare, and reasonable on taxation.  My only real beef with him 
is his religion.  Anti-abortion, anti-gay, anti-atheist.  He doesn't 
strike me as the kind to want to entrench his religion into law, so I 
don't really see that as a big deal. 

Maybe that's a reason for you to vote against him on the 5th.  If I like 
him, he's probably not your candidate.


P.S.  Excellent political site: www.electoral-vote.com
The webmaster is Andrew Tannenbaum, author of Minix and famous for the 
early flamewar with Linus.  The write-up about the Iowa results says a 
lot of what I just said, but it's better written and more comprehensive.

David L. Willson wrote:
> My good friend George Fox calls me this morning, and says, again, "I got
> your boy.  'Name's Huckabee.  You're going to love him.  He's everything
> you've ever wanted in a candidate."
> So I see, from my apolitical stupor, the newspapers all full of this
> fellow Huckabee having won the something-or-other in Iowa...  and I
> decide to look him up.  I find, first, that he's written a mess of
> books, many of which look like things I might agree with and learn from
> and recommend to others.  Then, I find a political pundit's review of
> Mike Huckabee as a candidate here:
> http://www.newyorker.com/talk/comment/2007/12/03/071203taco_talk_hertzberg
> George Fox was right.  Huckabee's my boy.
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