[clue-talk] oil...

Nate Duehr nate at natetech.com
Sat Nov 1 14:24:11 MDT 2008

On Oct 31, 2008, at 9:12 PM, Angelo Bertolli wrote:

> It's not about profits, it's about limited resources.  It's obvious  
> that we have something of great value here.  Why should we just open  
> it up and hand it off to them without putting some conditions on it?

When you're talking about national parks, national forest, etc... I  
get that.  Like ANWR.  Stipulations like "don't kill the caribou" and  
"give the Eskimos more money than God for tearing up their home"...  
that's probably appropriate.   (GRIN... yes, a little joke there  
trying to make a little lighter of the subject.)

That "market" is already weird because the government just claims that  
land for itself.

But in the case of private property that they've purchased, which  
happens quite a bit (actually more often they LEASE the mineral/oil  
rights from the land owner -- I worked filing a lot of paper in a  
filing cabinet room for "Lease-Purchase" once long, long ago.  They  
had a mainframe, but it took "keypunch" a month or so to get all the  
data into it.  LOL.

> I think that just about answers this long diatribe about something I  
> didn't even say... but if you were just trying to make a statement  
> for everyone else, ok.

Sorry, it just seemed like you were on the side of the "let's limit  
corporate profits" crowd that's gained favor without anything behind  
it but emotion lately...

Aas far as I can tell, the vast majority of people in this country  
work for corporations (even if it's a "small business", it's highly  
unlikely it isn't incorporated for the legal entity benefits... which  
I *do* disagree with, actually...

(Did you know in some European countries the "entity" of a corporation  
does NOT have the same rights under the law as a Citizen does?  That's  
actually very smart.  Some Scandinavian countries also have "loser  
pays all" legal systems, which are VERY interesting, but maybe too  
radical for our culture.  I do lean left from time to time, really.   
GRIN... just not in making a living.  In protecting that living, I'm  
quite a "liberal".  Heh.)

Since we all work for "corporations" I really believe attacking them  
tends to lower our GDP and our competitiveness in the world market.

It's just "popular" to attack oil companies these days.  And I don't  
"get it".  A lot of people work for those companies.

We also screwed up BIG TIME when the SEC blocked the merger of Texaco  
& Chevron.  Killed one of the best brands in the world (Texaco) and  
sold it off instead to Shell, which got bought by BP... meaning we  
basically allowed our anti-trust regulators to sell off one of our  
best companies in this country to the British.  All in the name of  
"don't let one big oil company have 'too much' power".

What a retarded move, that was... in hindsight.

Nate Duehr
nate at natetech.com

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