[clue-talk] Wow, Card's a little political...

Nate Duehr nate at natetech.com
Sat Nov 1 17:21:32 MDT 2008

On Nov 1, 2008, at 5:08 PM, Sean LeBlanc wrote:

>> Have you ever listened to
>> the hyperbole coming out of the mouths of Al Franken, Randi Rhodes,
>> the reverend Wright, the reverend Jackson, etc. If you don't agree
>> with someone, it's always hyperbole.
> What? They are calling for violence?

Does fiscal violence count?  :-)

>> And, of course, the all-time guilt by association trip is: anyone who
>> associates with and benefits from a superbly skilled campaign manager
>> like Carl Rowe must be a fascist. After all he helped to elect GWB,
>> and GWB is a known fascist. QED.
> What? Karl Rove said HIMSELF he wished McSame had started some of  
> these
> shiny object attacks earlier. Do you deny that?
> It's not guilt by association, it's the truth.

It's guilt by not having someone better than Rove, mostly.  The guy  
knows how to get votes, and it's all he knows.

It's also not like the Democratic people are any better... the whole  
"A vote for McCain is a vote for 8 more years of the same thing"  
mantra, is just as logically and morally wrong as the Republicans are  

It's just normal Presidential election horse-shit.  Let's talk about  
what WILL happen (the "here and now") as you call it if either guy  
gets elected.  Not what their strategists do to garner votes from  
idiots.  ('Cause frankly, none of us here on the list are idiots.)  If  
Obama's elected, all checks and balances are gone.  That's fact.  And  
the ultra-Liberals will take advantage of that with prejudice.  He  
will not be able to stop them without wanting a second term badly  
enough to convince his own Party to back off.   If McCain's elected,  
the House and Senate will hold his ultra-Conservatives in check.

Nate Duehr
nate at natetech.com

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