[clue-talk] saving money with Linux

dennisjperkins at comcast.net dennisjperkins at comcast.net
Thu Dec 10 14:44:42 MST 2009

> Prosecuting corporations shouldn't even be possible because of the idea of 
> corporate personhood is a fallacy. However, even if you do go after 
> corporate (or political) leaders, even though ideally no one is above the 
> law, in actual practice, being in a position to influence/write laws or 
> being an insider affords a person some privilege, except in the face of 
> overwhelming public backlash. Unfortunately, above a certain level of 
> power, justice isn't all that blind, but relative to other judicial 
> systems, the US is probably fairer than most. 

Perhaps holding those in charge personally accountable for the actions of 
their organizations would fix some things. Our just system stinks, but 
it is still the best one there is. 

Agreed. Some people argue that companies are neither moral nor immoral. They are as moral as the people in the company. Or some of them at least. 
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