[clue-talk] The stimulus bill

Jed S. Baer cluemail at jbaer.cotse.net
Sat Jan 31 18:27:27 MST 2009

On Sat, 31 Jan 2009 17:41:34 -0700
David Rudder wrote:

> > If you believe this porkapalooza will help our economy, hit the big X
> > button now.
> If you have to warn people that they won't like your email, you should
> probably reconsider sending it.

PPPhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhttthhhhhhhhppppppphhttttttttt! :-)

This bloated, putrescent excretion of a bill is the last thing this
country needs from the ass-end of the Leviathan on the hill.

Just how long do the lefties think the government can continue to just
tax/borrow and spend, without driving business either overseas (as we
have already seen happening) or out of business altogether? Just how much
more debt do the lefties think future generations of Americans can handle?

A real stimulus plan would be very easy to come up with. And it wouldn't
have additional funding for stop-smoking campaigns (for example, and by
the way, how does that stimulate the economy, exactly) and contraceptive
education. Oh, BTW, please cite the section of the U.S. Constitution
providing the federal govt. with power to legislate in these areas. But I
digress. Simple plan: cut corporate and personal income taxes, cut
capital gains taxes. Phase out agricultural subsidies. Phase out tarrifs.
Enact a 10-year moratorium on new regulations and and any changes which
would make existing regulations more strict. And then start taking the axe
to all the damn federal programs for which there is no Constitutional

But above all, quit rewarding failure by subsidizing it.


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